Calon Hearts Heart Icon

Defibrillators Placed

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People CPR Trained

Calon Hearts heart Icon

Hearts Screened


Our Mission

We are Calon Hearts UK, Wales's leading heart screening and defibrillator charity. We're on a mission to ensure that every community across Wales has a defibrillator, that more people are CPR-trained and that everyone has access to our heart screening programme. This is because today in the UK, 480 people will die from a heart attack or circulatory disease. And at least 12 seemingly healthy young people die every week in the UK from an undiagnosed heart condition. Our mission is simple: to reduce this number so that no family loses a loved one to a heart condition that could have been detected and managed. We’re committed to providing services that help minimise the risk of people dying due to an unknown heart condition.

Our Services

Accessibility to a defibrillator is key to saving a life. Each minute that is wasted reduces the chances of saving that life by 10%. Therefore, it is our mission to ensure that nobody is further than 100 metres away from a fully working publicly accessible defibrillator.

In order to fulfil this mission, we need your support to place more of these lifesaving devices throughout the country.

Heart Screening

Calon Hearts, through its charitable heart screening programme, has already established the benefit of screening, having identified many people with life-changing and life-limiting cardiac conditions. As part of a strategic reorganisation, Calon Hearts is going to continue this important work to save lives throughout the country.

At least 12 seemingly healthy young people die every week in the UK from heart conditions they didn’t even know they had. Our mission is simple; to reduce this number so that no family loses a loved one to a heart condition that could have been detected and managed.

Calon Hearts, through its charitable heart screening programme, has already established the benefit of screening, having identified many people with life-changing and life-limiting cardiac conditions. As part of a strategic reorganisation, Calon Hearts is going to continue this important work to save lives  throughout the country.

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Sudden Cardiac Death in the young is an under-recognised health problem and tragedy in the UK. It is estimated that at least 12 deaths per week are a result of SCD in the young. Furthermore, a significant proportion of these deaths are preventable by simple screening with an ECG and echocardiogram. 


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It couldn’t be easier than to make a donation to Calon Heart Screening. Whether it’s a one-off donation or you want to donate on a more regular basis using a credit/debit card, PayPal, cheque or a JustGiving Page. 


Calon Heart Screening already has partnerships with a number of well-known business and corporate clients. Through these partnerships, funds are raised from sponsorship, events and awareness. For more information about working with us, please get in touch.

Gift Aid

Any money you donate to us can be gift-aided at no cost to you. Gift Aid means that Calon Heart Screening can claim back the 25% tax paid on donations from HM Revenue & Customs, which further helps to boost our funds.

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