On July 21, 2016, Michael died during a school organised cycling pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Despite being physically fit, Michael suffered from an undiagnosed heart condition and died completely unexpectedly and tragically from a suspected heart attack. Michael was 16 years old and thoroughly enjoying his life; full of dreams and ambitions and getting ready to embark on a career in healthcare with his plan of taking up medicine in university. He loved serving God as an altar server since he was seven, first at the Sacred Heart Parish in Morriston, Swansea, and then at the Cathedral Church of St. Joseph’s in Swansea. He enjoyed working with children in his role as a Volunteer Youth Helper with the HCPT, a charitable organisation that gives life-changing pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes, France for disabled and disadvantaged children and adults. As is so often the case, his family learned a great deal more about him from the stories of friends and those who knew him in different ways. They talk of his gentleness and unfailing consideration for others, of those qualities that earned him the description of being a true gentleman. Others saw in him the simple faith that made his life so worthwhile, so fulfilled and so rewarding. He demonstrated so naturally his belief in Christian values and morality and for those who recognise him only from his duties as an altar server no one could have doubted his absolute sincerity.
Perhaps what illustrates his qualities better than anything was the account of one of his fellow helpers on an HCPT trip to Lourdes when Michael gave his own shoes to a young pilgrim whose shoes were wet. What most touched that witness was that Michael continued the journey barefoot and without complaint. Maybe that was what he was all about… only very much more.
With a very kind donation from the parents of Michael Cura of £8,209.15 in memory of their 16 year old son Michael, Calon Hearts Screening and Defibrillators will be able to support schools and youth groups throughout Wales that need a defibrillator
Please get in touch with us if your school would like to receive a defibrillator in memory of Michael Cura!

Get involved and download the Michael Cura fundraising pack

One of our aims is to ensure that every school has a defibrillator and that staff working within the school are trained to use it in the event of an emergency situation. Defibrillators save lives so we would love for your school to get involved and raise money to get your hands on this life-saving equipment.
How can your school raise money?
Download Go Red fundraising pack.
There are so many ways you can fundraise for us. You could start by putting together a fundraising committee with children from different age groups on board then get planning your events! Here are just a few ideas to help you along the way:
Sponsored sports events
Sponsored silence
Get involved and download our Char-a-thon Fundraising Pack
Go yellow for Ben
Doing chores such as gardening or helping with the cleaning in return for a donation
We would love to work with your school and will support and help you along the way so please get in touch.
Calon Heart Screening are working alongside anaesthetic and intensive care doctors from all over the country to teach important life-saving skills to school children.
Hour-long sessions will provide a thorough understanding of basic life support and may even stimulate an interest in a career in medicine. By passing on our experience and skills we will give the students the confidence to deal with medical emergencies and ultimately in saving patients’ lives.
We love to visit schools all over the country to teach lifesaving CPR and defibrillator skills. Get in touch via email if you would like us to visit your school at info@calonhearts.org.
Heart Screening
One in every 200 people who get their heart screened will be identified as having a potentially life-threatening heart condition.
If you're 16 - 25 years old, book your free heart screening session!
For anyone over 26 years old, we offer subsidised heart screenings for only £280. Book your session here.
If your school is interested in holding a heart screening session for staff and pupils, please get in touch.

Could your school hold a concert during Christmas in support of our Hearts of Gold Appeal?
Download fundraising pack for ideas.
Why not gather your colleagues, friends or family for a morning or afternoon of tea and cake. It’s a great way to bring people together in a relaxed environment whilst making a positive impact on the community. Hold a Tea Party for Calon Hearts Screening and Defibrillator Charity. Your participation will help to raise funds to contribute to our work providing heart screenings accessible to anyone in the UK.
Every three minutes in the UK, somebody loses a loved one to a heart or circulatory disease. Through your fundraising efforts we can change this.
Download the TEA @ 3 Fundraising Pack