Fund a defibrillator for your local community



Have you considered funding an AED defibrillator in your community? The benefits extend far beyond helping to save lives.

If you are an employer or an employee, have you considered placing a public access defibrillator at work? A public access defibrillator will not only protect your colleagues or employees but will also provide life-saving equipment for those in your community.

Shocking statistics state that the survival rate after a sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital in the UK is less than one in ten. Where a defibrillator is used, the survival rate increases by 47% to 50%. Early CPR and defibrillation can more than double the chances of survival.

There are more than 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCAs) in the UK each year.

We will also provide FREE CPR TRAINING by our own volunteer medics who give their time for free. Our volunteers travel trhoughout the country everyday providing this life-saving knowledge.

Calon Heart Screening want to raise funds across the country in rural communities, the workplace and schools in order that a defibrillator is positioned next to every fire extinguisher in the UK. We will also carry out the training FREE by our own volunteers, who are medically professionals who give their time for free. We are inundated on a daily basis with requests from communities throughout the country!

From the generous funds raised for the Michael Cura Appeal we have now introduced the Charity Grant Defibrillator Scheme. You can get a public access defibrillator for £650. Please apply via the link below. To find out more about the Michael Cura Appeal,

click here.

If you are fundraising and would like to apply for a defibrillator for your business or community, please apply online here.

If you are a VAT registered business, please click here to purchase a defibrillator.


Nominate Calon Heart Screening as your Charity of the Year



By choosing us to be your Charity of the Year we can work closely with you to get all of your staff involved in some way to help raise money for Calon Heart Screening.

Whether your staff organise their own events or take part in one of our events or challenges it can be truly inspiring and motivating for your employees to help the local community and in turn to perform even better for your business.

It has also been noted across the business community that it can boost morale and Calon Heart Screening will heavily promote your ongoing support in the Welsh media which will help raise the profile of your company.


Payroll Giving



Payroll Giving allows your staff to make regular or one-off donations to charities including Calon Heart Screening directly from their earnings or company or personal pension. The donations are made out of income before income tax is taken off so it is different to Gift Aid donations.

The scheme is managed by Payroll Giving Agencies (PGAs) which are charities approved by HMRC and they run the scheme on behalf of employers and pension providers.

To find out more about the scheme visit HMRC Payroll Giving.


Gifts in Kind


Another great way to support Calon Heart Screening is by donating gifts or vouchers that we can use for charity auctions, events and raffles that we hold throughout the year. Please get in touch with the fundraising team if you would like to donate gifts to Calon Heart Screening.


Corporate Volunteering



We welcome volunteer support in all sectors from IT, Finance, Administration, Marketing and PR, Events and Fundraising. If you would like to discuss any corporate volunteer roles please call 02922 402670 or email


Collection boxes and recycling


If you have premises or a staff room or canteen at your workplace you could help us by having a Calon Heart Screening collection box. Alternatively, if your company recycles then let us help you by passing on your inkjets, cartridges and old mobile phones to recycle on your behalf as in return we are able to collect money for these items. You can donate your unwanted items such as clothing, belts and shoes and we can collect for free anywhere in Cardiff. Simply give us a call on 02922 402670.


How can Calon Heart Screening help you?


◦ We can help you achieve your Corporate Social Responsibility.
◦ We can provide free CPR classes at your office.
◦ We can help you improve relationships with your employees.
◦ We can help raise the profile of your business within the Welsh media and Wales business community.

We are already working with high profile corporate companies throughout Wales such as the Football Association of Wales and the Welsh Rugby Union. We would love for your company to join us.

You can use the Calon Heart Screening logo in your work or wherever you would like to promote that your business is helping the local community.


Corporate Partnerships


We are delighted to partner with corporates to help them fulfil their corporate responsibilities and to safeguard the heart health of their staff. If you choose us as your charity of the year, we can help you obtain a lifesaving defibrillator as well as free CPR training for your workforce.


How can you help us?


Sponsor our events


We run a number of high profile events throughout the year including Brew 'n' Bake (during the month of June), Golf Days, Lunches, Concerts, Annual Christmas Ball and the Cardiff Bay Santa Dash in December (always a great turn-out). We would love for you to come on board and help us promote our events.

There are a number of ways to get involved whether you would like to donate money, time or your brand to use on promotional literature.

Please do get in touch to see a full list of our events and opportunities to get involved. Email with all your details. 


Fund a heart screening day in your community


Have you considered funding a heart screening day in your community? It’s estimated that at least one in every 200 people who get their heart screened will be identified as having a potentially life-threatening heart condition. Holding a heart screening day could help save the life of someone in your community. Find out more.