Did you know:

● 1 person goes to A&E every 30 seconds suffering from chest pains.

● Over 700 people will lose their lives to heart and circulatory diseases each and every month.

● The survival rate for an Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) without the use of a defibrillator is less than 1 in 10.

● At least 12 young people die every week in the UK from undiagnosed heart conditions.


Aside from the emotional devastation, the financial burden of heart and circulatory diseases to the wider economy in England is estimated to be a staggering £15.8 billion each year – a cost we simply can’t ignore.

We are sure you will agree that something has to be done to tackle the leading cause of death in the UK.

Your Gift in a Will is essential for helping Calon Heart Screening make a difference to these harrowing statistics. Every penny that is raised supports our vital work.

Your gift will become a lasting Legacy.


How will your legacy support us?

£200 - would pay for a CPR training session for up to 100 people

£280 – would pay for a young adult to get their heart screened (an ECG and Echocardiogram if needed)

£250 – could help us fund a CPR training session for up to 50 people

£650 – could purchase a defibrillator for a community in the UK

£7,200 – could fund a heart screening day for up to 90 people aged 16 years and over


Where there’s a Will there’s a way! Please remember Calon Heart Screening in your Will.

Five easy steps to leave a gift in your Will to Calon Heart Screening

Seek legal advice

We always recommend that you seek independent legal advice when making any changes to any current Will or when making a Will for the first time or updating it to ensure it is legal and valid and that your wishes will be implemented. A full list of solicitors local to you can be found on the Law Society website.

Updating a current Will

If you already have a Will you may be able to update it by using a codicil. A codicil allows you to supplement, amend or add to your existing Will. A solicitor will be able to advise you on suitable wording which will depend on the type of gift you would like to leave to Calon Heart Screening.

Making a New Will

If you do not already have a Will or wish to update your current Will say due to a change in circumstances, then having a new Will prepared is the best way of ensuring that your wishes are honoured after your death to ensure that your loved ones are provided for.

What gift you would like to leave

Decide what type of gift you would like to leave to Calon Heart Screening. Of course, you will wish to ensure that your family and friends come first and this is something that we would never want to change.  Types of gifts to Calon Heart Screening could be as follows:

A gift of an item – for example, this could be an item of jewellery, a piece of furniture, a painting.
A residuary gift – After providing for your family and friends and all other wishes, you can leave the remainder of your estate to Calon Heart Screening.

Calon Heart Screening appreciates all gifts however large or small as every penny that we receive will be put to good use achieving the aims of our charity and ultimately saving lives in a community of your choice.

Details of Calon Heart Screening

To leave a gift in your Will to Calon Heart Screening you need to ensure that the details of the Charity are clear and specific. The following details should be given to your solicitor:

Calon Heart Screening

Head office WALES: White House Cottage, The Cathedral Green, Cardiff, CF5 2EB
02922 402670

ENGLAND office: 40 Huron Road, London, SW17 8RB
020 8191 2661